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My Favourite 70’s/80’s Toys

The 70’s and 80’s really were great decades to grow up as a child. I have some amazing memories and my parents really made sure that my sister and I had all the best toys. Times were tight but our parents regularly used to buy us fantastic toys for Christmas and Birthdays. In those days, that is when you received the majority of your toys and then waited the rest of the year in hope that your requests would work out.

While I only own a few of my toys now, which I detailed in a previous post, I have some other favourites that I played with and have fond memories owning (listed below). Most, I no longer own and for any that I do, they are not the originals I had as a child.

When looking on e-Bay, many of these items go for a lot of money these days. Maybe one day I will buy a few of these again for old times sake.

Fisher Price School House and Garage

Fisher Price School and Garage

My sister and I both received one of these each for Christmas in the 70’s. I received the School House and my sister received the garage. Not sure why it was that way around but I did love the School House and my sister the garage. These two toys were favourites of ours for years and we managed to well use. Possibly a couple of the best toys that we ever owned. We also looked after these toys and were still in good condition when we finished with them.

Denys Fisher – Magic Hat

This hat and the accompanying tracks was well played with. The top hat being used for many more purposes than just magic. Strangely, the boy on the box does look a little like I did as a child. A favourite toy and as I am still into magic, I bought the pictured set and have stored in my office.

Paul Daniels TV Magic Tricks

Paul Daniels – Coin Through Glass

On Saturdays, we would often go to Staines in Middlesex and there was a fantastic toy and hobby shop. I would look around with my Dad and occasionally buy some of the Paul Daniels magic tricks. I owned a few and a deck of playing cards. The pictured “Coin through glass” was one of my favourites – A glass being positioned on a coaster and a coin magically passing through.

Grandstand – Astro Wars

Grandstand – Astro Wars

I swapped or bought one of these second hand in my early teen years. A space invaders style game which I enjoyed playing. I remember end of term at school and some of the class would bring games such as this in. State of the art for the time with coloured screen (though limited) and sound. I remember the screen having magnification to make the playing screen seem larger.

Star Wars Trading Cards (Blue)

Star Wars Trading Cards

I remember collecting and buying these cards in the 70’s. You would get a few cards and bubble gum. I had a load and many swaps were carried out in the school playground. While I do not own the originals that I collected, I was able to source the complete set via e-Bay a few years back.

While writing this, I remember once giving some of my cards away and regretting in the school playground. My mum, on questioning where they were gained a response from me that another lad had taken them. Mum then made a call to the other Childs Dad. Apologies to Declan Kidney if you read or come across this. What a little sod I was to do that!

Fuzzy Felts Circus

Fuzzy Felts Circus

I loved enjoyed playing with this felted card with felt cut outs of circus performers and props. My sister had a ballet version I think. Quite basic and they used to sell a number of different versions but it was good fun creating scenes.


E .T.

I had my ET for many years. More of an ornament that was on my bedroom window and looked exactly the same as the one in the picture. It appears to have the same markings and mould appear exactly the same. I remember Mum buying one each for my sister and I as a treat from a store in Staines. My sister jogging my memory that we were bought Rubik’s cubes on the same day.


This picture is the closest that I could find that matches what I owned. A brown plastic piece fort that you would piece together. I did like it and remember the green cactus plants, cowboys, Indians and horses. A good toy.

Wooden farm and animals

I know that my farm was made by my Dad. It was similar to the one in the picture with a play area, grass, pond and barn and open pens for the animals. He did a fab job building it and it looked so good. Far better than any plastic toy that you would buy nowadays.

Pelham Puppets Goofy

Goofy string puppet

We picked these up in a toy section of a department store long gone in Walton upon Thames. We were bought one each I think and I had Goofy. I didn’t play with it much but in a good example of a hand crafted wooden toy from the era.

Bionic Man

Unlike the better quality toys that I owned, this was a but plastic but I did love it. I had an action man but always preferred the Bionic Man. I had the Rocket transporter that I also thought was amazing. A rocket that opened up and became like an operating theatre/repair station to help Steve Austin (The Bionic Man).

Little Professor

Little Professor

This was actually quite good fun though a learning toy. Games around maths and maths quiz questions. While I owned this one, my Sister Maureen had Speak and Spell which was also good. And famous of course for featuring in ET. The Little professor and Speak and Spell were the original models. The Speak and spell later being replaced with a flat press sensitive keyboard rather than the excellent button keys like the version my sister owned.

Texas Instruments “Speak and Spell”

I hope that you have enjoyed this post as much as I did writing and putting it together.

Look out for a follow up that I will be doing soon on children’s books.

As always, do comment below and let me know about your favourite toys from the 70’s/80’s.