About me

Martin Brophy – author of everythingelse.blog and Magic Seats websites

Hello – thank you for reading my blog. I am Martin Brophy and also blog under the name Magic Seats.

At school, I was never a fan of English language or literature. Ironically, I now love writing and I created my first blog in 2020. A magic website and blog called “Magic Seats“, and then in 2021 a blog called “Leicester Magicians Network”.

To date I have written some 1600 blog posts about magic which are still available to read at “Magic Seats“. I still actively blog in this field.

In mid 2023, I wanted to start to write blog posts beyond magic, without any restrictions about any topic that interests me. Hence starting “everythingelse.blog“.

​I live in the Midlands in the UK with my wife Nadine, daughter Amelia and family cat Molly. I work in the area of logistics/customer service/IT for a successful UK developer.

My interests other than magic include reading, blogging and time with my family. I am also in the early stages of writing my first book.

Please use the contact page in the menu if you would like to get in touch.

Special Thanks – Nadine Brophy

To my wife Nadine who edits many of the interviews and reviews that I write.

In Memory – Michael and Patricia Brophy

To my Mum and Dad who are sadly no longer with us.  I know that they would be both be proud of this achievement, creating and managing two blogging websites.  My Dad would be less impressed but would secretly be pleased.  I can imagine him saying something like “What are you wasting your time on that for”.  My mum would have been very proud also of my achievements, creating these sites and the opportunities that it has opened up.  She would most likely be wanting to get involved with my interest and would think it is hilarious that the young me who would not even open a book now enjoys writing.  Bless them both.  RIP.