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P&O Arvia Cruising – Summary And Recommendations

Like all things, our time on P&O cruises Arvia went too quickly. We thoroughly enjoyed our first two week cruise and hope to book again in future. As a blogger, cruising gave me lots to write about and hope that these pages about Arvia convey our appreciation of cruising with P&O Cruises.

All posts related to our cruise holiday can now be found easily on this site by going to our new cruise page.

In future we will perhaps do the Caribbean or a short break and if so, we will certainly blog about what we have learned and our experience.

To finish this current series of blogs about P&O cruises and Arvia, here are some quick thoughts to summarise and recommendations.

  • Before buying anything on board, wait for any sales. Daily offers of discounts off certain items is common.
  • Book ahead for their show using the “My Holiday” app and for theatre shows, arrive early to find the best seats.
  • When using the lifts, let the people already in the lift off first. And respect the order of waiting if others have been waiting longer than you for a lift. You will be surprised as to how many do not follow this.
  • The desserts can be a little repetitive and jellified. The best desserts can be found at the 6th Street Diner.
  • The best restaurant in my opinion is Sindhu followed by The Beach House.
  • The 6th Street Diner sell collectable pins. However, they need to start selling their brilliant mugs as well. Their drinks coasters are also collected by some.
  • Think ahead and take lots of medicines and cough syrup with you. It may also be worth packing some masks just in case.
  • Many cruise passengers bring and hide small plastic yellow ducks around the ship. If you want to join in with this, do buy some ducks before hand.
  • Before booking, do research your cabin location to make sure it meets your needs and is in the best part of the ship for you.
  • Bring magnetic hooks with you to help with in cabin storage.
  • Take photocopies of your passports with you. Some ports just require a photocopy and then you can leave your passport in your room safe.
  • You have lots of storage room in your cabin, large cases can be stored under your bed.
  • Pack and wear a money belt. Very handy for port days.
  • Remember to carry your cruise card at all times as payments are taken via the card onboard. And while you need a cruise card to be inserted in your cabin to control light and electric, don’t forget that other magnetic cards also work like an Asda shopping card! (pic below).
  • Cruise card wise, I used a lanyard that was then hidden under my clothes.
  • Don’t forget to arrange and book some Euro’s. Cash at ports is always handy.
  • Remember that on casual nights, some restaurants will not allow shorts.

For more information on P&O cruises and Arvia, do take a look at our new cruise page.